Queen of our hearts
Category: Blogby Johanna Osborne
I had a visit from my Mum recently. In the 36 years I’ve been on this planet I’ve never lived anywhere but in a 25km radius of where she is.That all changed in January this year when I moved to Australia. Certainly a hard goodbye, a big transition and an enormous change to my controlled neat little life.
But I have to say it’s working out well and we are happy here. But the icing on the cake came when my Mum arrived for a visit, the sense of joy and calm that came over me the minute she got here was almost indescribable. Her opinion, approval and general buoyant attitude gave me the much needed boost I was craving. Someone whose opinion matters more than most, telling me that the choices we have made here are good. Sometimes it takes the reassurance of those we love to give us an inner peace we would not otherwise have.
My Mum helped me so much, shared outings and adventures, enjoyed my son with me and made me see the joy in every day. She is my undying supporter, wants me to be happy, will do anything for me and is always there for me. How many people can we truly say that about?
It made me think of all the special moments in a mother daughter/relationship, and perhaps most importantly the unique and extremely special journey that a Mum and her little girl share in the lead up to her wedding. It’s possibly the most extraordinary time in the lifespan of a mother and daughter, and I believe it pays to be aware of that in advance, because it’s so easy to get caught up with silly distractions, unnecessary worries and inevitable stress. Your Mum was the first to see you get dressed up as a child, and now to see you all grown up in front of her in your gorgeous gown will mean the world to her. She has escorted you through the milestones in your life and raised you to be the woman you are. The pride, wonder and awe she will feel is understandable. The effort and achievement she has put into getting you this far? Beyond commendable. The woman who gave you life and raised you right deserves respect and to be celebrated in her own way during this special time. My advice; share this journey with your Mum (and/or your fiance’s) if you can, involve her as much as possible in the choices, the decisions… you might well be surprised at the sage pearls of wisdom that your Mummy shares with you, and you might just be very grateful for the advice she gives and the experience she can draw from. You could even tie her own wedding into yours – her dress, some jewellery, a few photos from her big day? This would certainly be a lovely trip down memory lane for all involved. From personal experience I can say that both my parents were an incredible part of my wedding day, as were my husband’s parents. And we wouldn’t have had it any other way. They were a big reason why our day was so special and everyone commented on it; the family emphasis and bond between us was what made everyone feel part of something extraordinary, and the loving and warm vibe put everyone in a jovial and festive mood.
I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a Mum with them and I know that this time may be all the harder for it. Missing someone we care deeply about is never easy, and whilst as a child we believe we believe we will have both parents present on our wedding day, it might not always turn out like that. But if you are lucky enough to have your Mum and Dad by your side, then as the saying goes – don’t wait for their empty chair to remind you how much they mean to you. Love them now and show them how much! This is a celebration of love, and love means family and togetherness!
Salut La Familia – long live family!