Love Struck

Category: Blog

Article by Johanna Osborne

When I first laid eyes on my now-husband across a crowded room, I said to my girlfriends “There’s the guy I’m going marry”. They thought I was stark raving mad. After all, I hadn’t even spoken to him at that point! Well, maybe there’s an explanation to my madness after all. I’ve always been a firm believer, and now here’s the proof…


Researchers recently turned brain scanners on people to find out the effects of love on the brain. Their findings? The time it takes for a person to fall in love is about one-fifth of a second!


They also found that 12 areas of the brain work together during the love process. They found that love’s effect on your brain is a high- similar to the rush people get from cocaine.” Source-


As if we needed a reason to fall in love and enjoy all it has to offer, but now we have it – get high the natural way, feel good and enjoy falling in love!!


Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Mark Twain